Posts in Articles
3 reasons why you could be at a weight plateau

Weight is a tricky topic- perhaps we've changed up our nutritional intake, going to the gym a little bit more, drinking more water, etc. yet nothing seems to quite have changed. Unfortunately the reason why we gain weight can be numerous reasons, and therefore may need numerous approaches to have pounds shed. And weight is just a symptom, so it's important to consider all the possibilities.   

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What Exactly is Hormone Imbalance

Let's start by going over what hormones actually are. Hormones are a certain type of chemical messenger created in endocrine glands, such as the hypothalamus, thyroid, pancreas, ovaries, testes, etc. And when those lines of communication get thrown off balance by our environment, stress, poor diet, and other factors, there's an imbalance with symptoms to match. 

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5 Foods to Boost Adrenal Health

The stress/stressors of modern day life is enough to wear down even the healthiest of people. Types of stress include decision fatigue (we're strongest the first 3 hours of the day- so make your schedule the day before as best you can), trouble at work, argument with another human being, physical injury, multiple diagnosis (or even just fighting off a cold), etc.

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ArticlesSerena Goldstein
Why Balance Hormones if I'm in/done with Menopause?

They're (estrogen, progesterone, testosterone) just not made as much, and then ratios begin to shift where normal values may seem high or low relative to the other hormones. For example, females are born with 6-7 million eggs, yet they only ovulate about 300,000-400,000 throughout their life and that cycle is a balancing act of at least 4-5 different hormones. However, hormones are also made from the adrenal glands, the two glands that sit on top of each kidney, for the rest of our life, and the liver. 

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Top 3 Worst Hormone Disruptors - Check Your Cabinets... Both Kitchen & Bathroom

Hormones are volatile messengers in our body that can be as easily disrupted as fast as they can be balanced. Common symptoms of hormone imbalance generally include weight gain/inability to lose weight, low libido, mood swings, low energy, insomnia, acne, and night sweats, all or some of which we may experience even when we're convinced that our diet is really healthy. Unfortunately removing obstacles to cure is not always as simple as "eat a few more vegetables and drink more water."

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Are You Consuming These Foods for Hormonal Health?

"We are what we eat", is a popular phrase that acknowledges what we put in, is typically what we're going to get out. Like a car that takes diesel gas is going to have compromised function if it gets filled with regular gas. Same for hormonal health. Our hormones are derived from cholesterol molecules, metabolized and excreted by multiple organs, and optimally produced as long as those other systems are in balance. Furthermore, "we are what we absorb", so if we have gut imbalances or always stressed, for example, we're not going to have optimal digestion. 

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More Than Butterfly(ies) In Your Stomach

Your thyroid gland!! Not to worry, no actual butterflies were harmed in this pun/joke. The thyroid gland is one of the most important glands in your body, often described as a butterfly as the 'body' is in front, and the 'wings' wrap around the trachea (leads into our lungs, next to our esophagus, and, closed off by the epiglottis when we eat so food doesn't get trapped in our respiratory tract).   

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Top 3 Foods for Hormone Balance

"We are what we eat", is a popular phrase that acknowledges what we put in, is typically what we're going to get out. Like a car that takes diesel gas is going to have compromised function if it gets filled with regular gas. Same for hormonal health. Our hormones are derived from cholesterol molecules, metabolized and excreted by multiple organs, and optimally produced as long as those other systems are in balance. Furthermore, "we are what we absorb", so if we have gut imbalances or always stressed, for example, we're not going to have optimal digestion. 

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Love the Skin You're In

The skin is our largest organ, yet it's one of the easiest organs to abuse! Whether we stay out in the sun too long which places us at risk for skin cancers, use make-up/ beauty products where most of the ingredients look like they came out of a lab (or hormone disrupters), picking and/ or scratching, or living in a big city surrounded by fumes. 

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To Soy Or Not to Soy...

That is the Question!
This research flip flops as much as the relationship between eggs & cholesterol, or how much fat to 'really' eat!

Soy is one of the most contaminated, genetically modified (GMO) foods, along with corn and wheat. What does that mean? Well it's more than just extra effort to detox associated chemicals in its soil, which may be mitigated if organic.  

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The Truth About Intermittent Fasting (IF)

What exactly is Intermittent Fasting (IF)? 
Intermittent fasting is not eating within certain time frames, but does not guide you on what foods to eat or not eat. It helps burn fat more effectively as our body searches for other ways of energy when we're not eating. Common practices include fasting at least 12 hours between dinner and breakfast (one of the easier ones as you're sleeping- hopefully- most of the time), or extending it to 16 hours, or even 24 hours twice a week. Food is not allowed, however, non-caloric beverages such as water, tea, or coffee can be consumed.

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Chew Your Food THIS Many Times to Nourish Your Hormones

Chew Your Food 31 Times

Seriously. Besides the fact '31' is a pretty obscure number, so you probably won't forget.
Why? I chew my food..
I'm sure you do, but I'm telling you to EMULSIFY it. A piece of steak will require more chewing than a piece of steamed broccoli, however, counting shifts your focus of the future 1000 tasks you need to complete to focusing on your food with the end goal of making it mush in our mouths. And now we can really pay attention to the fabulous meal you have in front of you.

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Do You Have Low Testosterone?

Yes? No? Regardless, this Scenario is Extremely Common, Especially Among Men
What does it mean exactly? Unfortunately the answer is not always as simple as "the body isn't making enough". Testosterone gets produced from multiple glands, and synthesized from the cholesterol molecule - so eat your healthy fats!!

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The Magic Mineral for Hormone Health!

"I want to learn how to use food as medicine", common phrase from my patients, as they sit down eager to learn how to take care of themselves in the best way possible. That's wonderful, but food quality is not what it used to be, and supplements are used in ADDITION TO a healthful diet, not a replacement. 

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Sugar- The (not so) Sweet Lowdown

I walked into a homey-looking coffee-shop on the upper east side, reminiscent of how coffee-shops looks in Portland, OR- and they have hemp milk! One of my favorites! I ordered my coffee, turned to the table of add-in’s, and saw three plastic stacked shelves of different sugars. The “real” shelf had raw sugar, the “fake” shelf had splenda, and the “refined” shelf had dominos. Brilliant! Within seconds, you receive a succinct education about the sugar you may choose.

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How Your Thought Process Affect Your Hormones

My passion for psychology began in high school, when I received care from a therapist that made such an impact that my life was going to be devoted to giving back what she had provided. From almost future psychologist turned Naturopathic Doctor, I continuously witness
how we care for the body, but tend to neglect the 'mind' aspect of the mind-body connection, an effective way to address health and disease prevention. 

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