Keep Your Dreams Close

Psychologically, there are terms called intrinsic and extrinsic motivation to help describe why we decide to keep some habits, and why others decide to fall away- or we get fed up, need a change, or just something ‘different’ even if we’re not quite sure yet what that looks like.

💫 Intrinsic motivation= it comes from the heart and soul, that burning desire, can’t quite explain it but your reason goes beyond ‘just’ a number on a scale, comparison to others, or anything finite. In other words, this reason is what helps keep you grounded and patient.
💫 Extrinsic motivation= based on a finite goal where what you desire comes from something more tangible like the examples listed above, or it’s something that let’s you know you’re finally ‘there.’

The majority of studies say we do best to reach our goals (yes, the irony) when when we focus more on our intrinsic value and reasoning versus outside goals or markers. Which also brings up an interesting point because it doesn’t say ‘one or the other’- in fact, one doesn’t exist without the other. Other observations include that extrinsic motivations may change though our intrinsic can stay the same, or as our intrinsic motivation grows more deeply (especially as we discover new ways to move about in the world) our extrinsic motivation can lose less of it’s ‘this tangible goal or else’ value, and becomes more of a neutral marker.

When it comes to health, this can appear as not feeling like you’re constantly getting off track, not feeling satisfied by what you’re doing, feeling stagnant- especially when you just ‘know’ something is up yet in a way exhausted/ tired of waiting for that answer or resolution but don’t want to sell yourself short with anything else.

~So where can you balance out tangible goals with the presence of remembering why you are interested in embarking on improving your health? Where do you find yourself along the lines of motivation?

And for more guidance, make sure you grab my free gift HERE for more thought provoking guidance in honing what both makes & keeps you motivated 🙌🏽