Your Gifts are in Your Struggles

What have you learned about yourself in times of perceived hardship? What would you have done differently upon reflection? When I was younger dad used to always ask me “Why do you have to learn the hard way?”, and I used to say that I don’t want to tell my future children (or others) about what someone else did, I wanted to be able to impart my own experience. As I got older, I began to understand someone else’s ‘hard way’ can actually be an important lesson for someone else.

If you feel down about your health at the moment & others say ‘don’t worry’ how can you transcend scowling at them to thinking of a trait to bring more love and joy into your life? 💜⁠

When you relax your ego’s defense mechanisms you can likely gain some much-needed answers. ⁠Consider writing down all the ‘should’s’ you believe about health & healing, then go through each and get curious as to why you feel the need to ask.

Our ego protects us from fear. Once you replace curiosity, a lighter energy, not only can you get your next ‘ah ha’ moment, but physically, that can: ⁠
💫Decrease your stress levels (less bloating, weight loss, etc.)⁠
💫Balance blood sugar & hormones⁠
💫Help you sleep better⁠ ⁠

Emotionally, imagine:⁠
🙌🏽You can gain clarity over your emotions, making you more clear to a solution⁠
🙌🏽Attracting others who can help you understand what you’re feeling ⁠
🙌🏽You can feel joy and chaos all at once, and it’s perfectly normal ⁠ ⁠

I have seen patients speak their concerns into existence without realizing it, and others in connecting with a desire bigger than what’s going on in their body in this moment expedite healing. My hope is the former becomes the latter, and the latter can be magnified, but we also too have our own path. My role is to help guide.

In other words, this is also why countless supplements/medications can hardly make a dent in ‘health’ when they keep telling themselves the same stories or reliving the same episodes that brought them to this place. ⁠Our mind (and fear of _____ - fill in the blank) can override so much more than we realize.

The only way out is through. 🤗⁠ ⁠

Even if it was written in your stars (yes, that can happen), it also means you can ask what you’re supposed to learn, feel into what that could mean, and dream big. 🌟 ⁠ ⁠

Now imagine that quality you’re receiving from your struggle actually being the missing piece to what you desire.⁠ ⁠ Let’s connect and explore how you can continue to elevate your life. Find a time here now to book a complimentary session. 🙏🏽✨⁠ ⁠