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Chew Your Food THIS Many Times to Nourish Your Hormones

Chew Your Food 31 Times

Seriously. Besides the fact '31' is a pretty obscure number, so you probably won't forget.
Why? I chew my food..
I'm sure you do, but I'm telling you to EMULSIFY it. A piece of steak will require more chewing than a piece of steamed broccoli, however, counting shifts your focus of the future 1000 tasks you need to complete to focusing on your food with the end goal of making it mush in our mouths. And now we can really pay attention to the fabulous meal you have in front of you.

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Do You Have Low Testosterone?

Yes? No? Regardless, this Scenario is Extremely Common, Especially Among Men
What does it mean exactly? Unfortunately the answer is not always as simple as "the body isn't making enough". Testosterone gets produced from multiple glands, and synthesized from the cholesterol molecule - so eat your healthy fats!!

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The Magic Mineral for Hormone Health!

"I want to learn how to use food as medicine", common phrase from my patients, as they sit down eager to learn how to take care of themselves in the best way possible. That's wonderful, but food quality is not what it used to be, and supplements are used in ADDITION TO a healthful diet, not a replacement. 

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Sugar- The (not so) Sweet Lowdown

I walked into a homey-looking coffee-shop on the upper east side, reminiscent of how coffee-shops looks in Portland, OR- and they have hemp milk! One of my favorites! I ordered my coffee, turned to the table of add-in’s, and saw three plastic stacked shelves of different sugars. The “real” shelf had raw sugar, the “fake” shelf had splenda, and the “refined” shelf had dominos. Brilliant! Within seconds, you receive a succinct education about the sugar you may choose.

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How Your Thought Process Affect Your Hormones

My passion for psychology began in high school, when I received care from a therapist that made such an impact that my life was going to be devoted to giving back what she had provided. From almost future psychologist turned Naturopathic Doctor, I continuously witness
how we care for the body, but tend to neglect the 'mind' aspect of the mind-body connection, an effective way to address health and disease prevention. 

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Fatigued? Cravings? Random 'stuff'? THIS hormone could be high

Estrogen dominance is a term coined to describe how estrogen, may be out of balance due to stress or environmental exposure ('xenoestrogens') compared to other hormones. Or too other hormones are available in only trivial amounts, and even deficient, where estrogen may be a normal level. Without enough of other hormones, may still exhibit signs and symptoms of high estrogen.   

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Your Liver and Hormones

          One of my teachers in medical school said, “The liver is one of the most underrated organs of the body” and he couldn’t have been more correct! The liver is the only organ that can regenerate itself, and performs over 500 different functions, including fighting off infection, neutralizing toxins, manufacturing proteins and hormones, controlling blood sugar, and helping clot the blood.*

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​Why Can’t I Lose Weight? 

Uh oh, we just opened Pandora’s box with that question… and there’s no ‘one’ answer. Weight can be as much as physical issue, as it is mental/emotional.

Let’s consider what’s already been tried:

  • Dieting
  • Food restriction
  • Over exercising
  • Cutting and/or limiting calories
  • Juice fast, and the list continues.
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