Create Your Own Health

When I was in my senior year of high school, my psychology teacher asked us ‘Why are you here?’ We all answered that we had to be here, not all of us were eighteen yet, but for the most part at this Ivy League prep school, we were determined to show up regularly. Then he said ‘No you don’t, you just don’t want the consequences.’

Oh.. so we really did have a choice.. perhaps more than we ever thought. In fact, why not keep questioning why not only the body expresses certain symptoms, but what else could be going on- especially emotionally & spiritually?

So let’s dive into all things astrology! After all, if the moon can move oceans, other planets and asteroids can certainly affect the energy in the universe and especially within our body (different pressures can affect different organ systems as well).

Furthermore, have you heard of Saturn returns?

Saturn, law of Karma, solidifies skills & desires for us to move forward. Saturn's return occurs around the age of 28-32, guiding us through life transitions before returning again in our late 50’s to see what we have learned throughout these phases. To correlate it with health, the first part I’ve seen many concerns that weren’t properly addressed in the teen years show up again at these ages, and if still not quite addressed, sometimes more and/or variations of concerns popping up in the early 60’s. Much of this also includes vitality, and our deeper meaning of life.

These times challenge who we are at the core, can we shed old beliefs, and truly make us question if we’re on the path that fuels our soul development. Anything we ‘pushed down’ or stored emotionally by staying in unhealthy relationships, jobs, and behaviors was denying ourselves of the path we ‘knew’ we should have taken.

In fact, there are other astrological transits that have been correlated with big life moments, including late 40’s/early 50’s- where a huge hormone shift is also taking place. Consider this a your sign (pun intended!) to ‘create your own reality’ and work with the magic of the your chart. ✨

If you would like to discover more about astrological healthcare, we can see how this can work for you! 🙏🏽