Does Perfection Exist?

Maybe…? We tend to have a definition of what life would be if it was perfect, but what about health? Then again, if our life doesn’t look like what we hold true to be perfect health, then are we ‘imperfect’? And what does that mean- for our self-worth, do we continue doing what we’re doing? But what if we never reach that goal, or we reach it and then what?

Then the conundrum of if we want more after we reach our goals, then what’s really ‘perfect’? Now our ideal picture can feel like a distant memory as we begin to envision what it means to surpass our goals, so could this be ‘imperfect’ as well? Which then begs the connotation of changing the meaning of imperfection.. perhaps it’s then actually something to take pride in and continue to question ‘what more do I desire?’ as theoretically there doesn’t seem to be a ‘perfect.’

However, we have decades of decades of programming by media, friends, family, and even medicine, deciding how we should look, what we should eat (think of all the diet trends these past few 20-30 years!), what’s labeled good or bad, who’s popular and who’s not (and why), and then there’s our own inner belief system to interpret everything (aka we make our own reality)… head spinning yet?! Mine is (& not the first time!).

I remember there was a time when I never wanted liposuction so badly. Except somewhere way deep down an inner voice said it wouldn’t make me happy. I only listened because I remember I became quite skinny freshman year of college after sweating it out in the desert doing marching band 5 days a week at Arizona State. I thought I would be sought after, be insanely popular, love going shopping again, etc. Nope- same insecurities, just magnified.

So, how do you spot a cycle?

  • A lesson doesn’t go away until you learn what you need. Where are you resisting that inner voice? Around a dietary change? Around a lifestyle change? Career change? Forgiveness to another person or marketing ploy?

  • Manage your expectations. If we do everything right, then why isn’t it working?! PS- super common question! Because our body isn’t on our timeline- there’s more going on than we’ll ever know, and perhaps there’s other perspectives/view of healing we need to consider (I explore the too).

  • Does it feel like de ja vu? If I knew losing a bunch of weight quickly wasn’t going to make me feel better in the long-run (or thinking how my life would then have to revolve around keeping said results), well, I already know the answer. And how many times does ‘going against your gut’ not work out super well.. :my hand is raised too:

What does this bring up for you? Have you wondered this same thing as well? I get it. Ironically it’s actually patience, listening in, and all the ‘stuff’ that’s not usually talked about that IS what will help get you closer to your goals. If you’d like to be in touch to help spot some of those patterns, see if there’s something missing or that can be refined, let’s take some time to chat. :)