Time to Heal

Ever wonder when you take a new supplement, try a new food, a new exercise program, pretty much anything new, when you’ll see results? Your ROI (return on investment)? The guarantee? I get it. I don’t want to waste my time either if it won’t be fruitful.

However, it can also block us from not only the chance that not only may it work better, but better than expected! We just need to take the time frame with a grain of salt- that said too, what if things work even sooner!?

The body has millions upon millions of pathways, working to recalibrate us at any given time, as our understanding is constantly developing, such as when the appendix was thought to not be of use now has ties to the immune system. We also have a portion of DNA called ‘junk DNA’, which was found to not get coded into metaphorically words then conversations to tell our body how to develop. Now, that ‘junk DNA’ is seen as a useful mechanism to help ensure we do develop properly, from our physical features to even perhaps mitigating the chance of various diseases. Now that we also know we have our own DNA and blueprint.. that’s how unique you are!

Here are some thoughts to consider (and what I’m considering when working with patients too, as I need to know when to re-route) to further get to know your body:

  • Has this happened before? And when? What was the outcome and how long did it take? Are there any more or less stressors presently going on in your life? Stress can really create additional speed bumps.

  • If it’s a supplement or food you’re trying- the right dose? Form? Do the fillers of a capsule, for example, resemble that of a chemistry lab? For food, do you even enjoy it? Food entering our body from a place of feeling forced is also stressful.

  • Why is there a time limit? Commonly there’s some sort of reason that we’re holding onto (e.g. need to lose this amount of weight in this many days for this event or else) that could be more stressful than the concern itself! Is comparison to yourself in the past (likely you’ve changed a lot!) or someone else coming up? We already spoke about how we’re so amazingly unique :)

In fact, so many times patients and I will have a laugh because they’ll actually realize that things are improving, but day-to-day they didn’t see it (I’m guilty of that as well!), and through this light-hearted energy we expand the meaning of healing. AND, maybe you’re getting other healing improvements that weren’t on our list, but it’s all leading up to saying, ‘Hey, we’re on the right track to your main concern, we just gotta clear up some of this other stuff first.’ Of course, I’m happy to help in this complimentary chat too if you’d like to understand everything from the underlying issues to your body’s perceived timeline!