Permission to Question

What’s going on in your body, to when someone said something and you’d like them to clarify, to when something happened and the obvious doesn’t seem like the only correct answer. In fact:

-It's ok to question what's going on around you⁠
-It's ok to question professionals, even those with degrees⁠
-It's ok to question what you're feeling even if your brain keeps trying to tell you 'it's ok' (you can't fool your body) ⁠

In school I never liked asking questions, because even from a young age you're labeled as 'that kid.' So I did my own research and maybe saw the teacher on my own time. ⁠Or I was afraid of what others would think of my questions. It just felt easier not to speak, and I stuffed the confusion down with either spending so much time researching or ‘I’ll figure it out later.’ And while I usually forgot about it, my body didn’t forget that it doesn’t feel so good to be shut down.

Sometimes I could ask for help on a one to one basis, but even then I wondered what they thought of my questions too. I hated feeling captive by my own insecurities, worried about any yelling/screaming that would ensue, so more often than not I figured they knew what was best, and who was I to question this person. ⁠

On the other hand, I don't think I ever realized the power in what it means to ask questions and stand up for yourself, especially when it feels like you're going crazy. Or if you get an answer you don't like/didn't anticipate (the other caveat)- but still, life goes on. ⁠

The Merck manual, the big book of diagnostics practitioners use, doesn't list every single thing in there. Science changes all the time, and even the paranormal is in many ways considered science, so might as well question all that you're feeling! In fact, if you feel like you are going crazy, your body probably is too! Ever wonder about those symptoms that seem to come out of no where? Those random aches and pains you’ve never had before, yet some sort of stressful event recently happened and even though it seemed like nothing it could have been the breaking point in your body.

I encourage this in my patients, people I speak to, etc.- if you don't feel right about it, or things don't add up, listen to that feeling. For example, that gut feeling could be more of a situation that has to be dealt with rather than an actual dysbiosis, and that headache could be going/doing so much that your intuition is locked up and literally can’t see into a situation clearly (yet goes away once it’s taken care of).

From symptoms to a shift in your daily routine and/or life- if something's up, let's talk about it! 🤗👏⁠